Dynamo Camp
Associazione Dynamo Camp Onlus
The pulse to pedaling so many km is given by the desire to test themselves, with emotion to venture into unknown territories and the joy of traveling by bicycle, but not all. The will of Paolo and Enrico is to help the Dynamo Camp Onlus Association collecting along the way as much money as possible.
Dynamo Camp
Every year in Italy more than 10,000 children are suffering from serious and chronic diseases. These children should undergo therapies often invasive and long lasting, which force them to spend much time in the hospital. The condition of the disease leads them not only to face the fatigue, fear and all effects related to treatment, but it also influences heavily socializing with their peers. As a result these children have a high risk of losing the serenity, the thoughtlessness and merriment own childhood.
Dynamo Camp is the first Recreational Therapy Camp in Italy that welcomes free children from 6 to 17 years, suffering from serious and chronic diseases for holidays and leisure.
Dynamo Camp also offers programs specifically designed for the entire family, and from 2012 with programs dedicated to healthy brothers and sisters (Siblings Camp).